Do you have a film sitting on your shelf that, you feel, deserves an audience?
Maybe you’ve already shown it at JUMP, received critical acclaim, and you want to get it out to statewide Alaskan audiences?
Maybe you’ve got a really great script that you want to get out there?
Check out the Never Sets Festival. It’s a festival by Alaskans, for Alaskans, and featuring only Alaskans. And since this is its first year in existence, there is NO ENTRY FEE.
The festival is a competitive film festival and films will be judged based on creativity, story, and execution. The festival is broken into two parts: 1) the films will be collected for a regional screening, for example all the films in Southeastern part of the state, 2) then a panel of judges will select the best films to go onto the state wide competition.
FILMS MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS. Please, check out the below link for a complete list of rules and submission guidelines.
Don ‘t delay: entry deadline is June 30th and the late entry deadline is July 15th.
Please contact me if you have any questions – Brice Habeger, bhabeger (at)