Hi all! We’re back in your inbox with more JUMP Society news, as always, printed on high quality, 100% recycled pixels.
JUMP Society Winter Film Festival
Tickets are now available for the JUMP Society 2008 Winter Film Festival!
The show is at the Silverbow Backroom, the tickets are free and the best way to make sure you get a seat. Pick them up at Lucid Reverie downtown between Heritage Coffee and Commercial Signs and Printing in the Emporium Mall.
Show dates:
- Thursday, January 24th – 7:00pm
- Friday, January 25th – 7:00pm & 9:00pm
- Saturday, January 26th – 7:00pm & 9:00pm
Alaska Short Forum Website Launch
The Alaska Short Forum is a new television show and webcast spotlighting Alaskan short films. Check out those weirdo hosts and watch the latest episodes online at http://shortforum.com
If you have a short film you’ve submitted to the JUMP Society for screening and you’re also interested in having it aired on statewide television please consider submitting it to the show.
Luna Fest
Also this weekend, the Juneau Pro Choice Coalition hosts Luna Fest, a festival of films by, about, and for women. The show plays at Centennial Hall on January 25th at 7:00 pm.
More information about Luna Fest can be found at http://lunafest.org and http://juneauchoice.com
Cabin Fever Arts Festival
I’ll be putting on another digital film workshop for the Cabin Fever Arts Festival this year and I’m inviting people to send me one scene special effects challenges I can assemble for the workshop.
If you’ve always dreamed of seeing a giant Frank Murkowski clinging to the top of the capital building while swatting at biplanes, now’s your chance. I’ll take the suggestion I like the best and show you how to make it happen at the workshop.
I’ll also be offering some kind of intro to editing workshop for those who are just trying to get started with digital filmmaking.
If you or anyone you know has a short, one day workshop they would like to host for the arts festival please contact the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council.
Have a great day and we’ll see you at the film festival.