It’s time once again…
[Bring up the lights, Cue the trumpets]
To announce…
[Now give me some building snare in the back]
The official showtimes for the slickest show at the Silverbow…
[Cut music. Hushed anticipatory silence layered with light trance inducing microphone hum]
[Wait for it.]
[The crowd goes wild tearing up souvenir floor boards and ripping down keepsake ceiling fans]
Summer Festival – Official Showtimes!!
Thursday July 14th 7:00pm
Saturday July 16th 7:00pm & 9:00pm
Friday July 22nd 7:00pm & 9:00pm
All shows will be at the Backroom of the Silverbow and you can pick up tickets at Lucid Reverie starting Thursday. Admission, as always, is free but you’ll need to pick up a ticket at Lucid Reverie to get a seat.
Donations are appreciated but not required …even though we’ll probably have someone harass you at the door for pocket change and tic tacs.
Meet the Maker – Secret Show
We’ll be having a secret show for filmmakers and those who want to learn more about the process. This show is Thursday, July 7th at the Silverbow backroom. No admissions, no tickets and a chance to hear some of the filmmakers talk about their work and inspiration.
We won’t be playing all of the films so if you’re a filmmaker and you’re interested in discussing your film or others, let me know ahead of time so we’re sure to bring yours.
Some people may want to tell an entertaining story about something wacky that happened during the making and others may want to just answer questions. Some people will probably just hide in the shadows, shrouded in silence.. wrapped in darkness… dipped in the spicy green goo of mystery… holding the chopsticks of secrecy. Mmmm. I’m hungry for sushi.
We realize some people are shy and we’re flexible on how we do this thing but remember that feedback is about the most helpful thing you can get in any art… even if it is hurty sometimes.
Radio Land
If you’re reading this over your morning Triple Shot Mega Ounce Big Cup Espresso McFlurry then you might want to flip on the radio because me and a few other JUMP Society filmmakers will be on Capitol Chat with Chris Burns at 8:00. I probably won’t have had much sleep so it should be extra entertaining listening to me power through some rambling response while trying to speak over the sound of my voice cracking.
Illegal Art
The JUMP Society in association with the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council is putting on an illegal art show and bringing Kembrew McLeod to Juneau for the event! Kembrew is an author, teacher, filmmaker, and music critic who champions “freedom of expression” and also happens to own the trademark on the term. He’s an interesting cat who even made a few bucks selling his soul on Ebay.
This is going to be some good fun. We’re looking for music, movies, writing, drawings, paintings, collage, and whatever else pushes the boundaries of intellectual property laws. For more information on this hip, trendy, and deliciously educational affair check out the following links or drop me a line:
Northwest Film Festival Submissions
The call for entries went out for the 32nd Annual Northwest Film & Video Festival which is put on by our friends at the Northwest Film Center in Portland. They’re seeking submissions of any length in any genre from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and British Columbia. You can download an entry form today at and if memory serves me.. and it rarely does… there is no entry fee for this festival.
AMIPA job opening
There’s a great employment opportunity available in Anchorage at the Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association. Whoever picks it up will be working with Bob Curtis-Johnson of Bob’s Shorts, one of our informal partner organizations that cranks out some great films in the Anchorage area.
Wow, that took a long time to write, I’m spent. Thanks for all the submissions, we’ll have a great show… catch you at the film festival and don’t wait until the last minute to get those tickets!